Long live Shakespeare (in Ireland)!

To celebrate the anniversary of Shakespeare’s (probable) birthday and death, here’s a link to a digitised copy of Shakspere: A Critical Study of his Mind and Art (1875) by Edward Dowden, the great Irish Shakespearean. 

Dowden was born in Cork in 1843 and became a Professor of English at Trinity College Dublin, also lecturing later at Oxford and Cambridge. Shakspere was his celebrated first book, published in 1875.

Irish Renaissance Seminar UCC 16 May 2015

The next meeting of the Irish Renaissance Seminar will take place in UCC on Saturday 16th May 2015.l

The theme is “Mapping Conflict and Power” and the organisers are pleased to welcome Prof. Philip Schwyzer as plenary speaker for the event. 


The venue will be the CACSSS Seminar Room, on the ground floor of the O’Rahilly Building, UCC, and the meeting will begin after 12 noon to accommodate travel to the college. 

Dr Edel Semple and Dr Cian O’Mahony are convening the seminar at UCC.

Keep an eye on the blog for further details!